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Healing Explored: Nurturing Your Recovery + Wellness

In Research & Education

Muscle Atrophy and How to Prevent It

Muscle Atrophy and How to Prevent It

Muscle atrophy can occur for various reasons, but it always has the same result—a smaller, weaker muscle. In fact, each muscle cell will shrink individually making for a collectively weaker muscle. 

How Your Diet Can Impact Inflammation and Healing

How Your Diet Can Impact Inflammation and Healing

Controlling the level of inflammation in your body is the key to improving and shortening your recovery. There is a reason you constantly hear about inflammation; it is involved in so much of what happens in our bodies.

Malnutrition: The Risks, Symptoms, and Treatment

Malnutrition: The Risks, Symptoms, and Treatment

Malnutrition happens when your diet does not contain the right amount of nutrients for optimal health. “It is a state of nourishment in which a deficiency, excess or imbalance of nutrients causes adverse effects on body form and physiology, function, and clinical outcome.” Even though malnutrition also includes overnutrition, this article will focus on undernutrition; not getting enough nutrients.

Can Physicians Recommend Supplements?

Can Physicians Recommend Supplements?

We get this question from time to time as we work with physicians to make our clinical nutrition products available to patients. “Am I allowed to offer this to my patients and make money from it?” “Is it a violation of Stark Law?” We have studied the law and in this article, we answer these questions and aim to bring some clarity and simplicity so that medical professionals can have peace of mind knowing that they are fully compliant to the laws when choosing to implement a nutrition program.

4 Reasons Why Good Nutrition is Critical to Recovering After Surgery

4 Reasons Why Good Nutrition is Critical to Recovering After Surgery

MEND Sponsors MLB Strength & Conditioning Conference

MEND Sponsors MLB Strength & Conditioning Conference

Carrot Turmeric Recovery

Carrot Turmeric Recovery

HMB and Muscle Health

HMB and Muscle Health

MEND Partners with Petterwood Orthopedics

MEND Partners with Petterwood Orthopedics

Clinical Paper on The Critical Role of Nutrition in Facial Plastic Surgery

Clinical Paper on The Critical Role of Nutrition in Facial Plastic Surgery

Turmeric: An Ancient Remedy Proven by Modern Research

Turmeric: An Ancient Remedy Proven by Modern Research

Changing RICE to NICER: Nutrition & Recovery

Changing RICE to NICER: Nutrition & Recovery