Sarcopenia Recognition By CDC Reinforces Large & Growing Market Need for MEND Regenerate


Sarcopenia Recognition By CDC Reinforces Large & Growing Market Need for MEND Regenerate

Eziah Syed

The CDC call to action for healthcare practitioners gives support for the anti-aging product of the year winner MEND Regenerate

 With a strengthening program, adding the macro and micro nutrients in MEND provides essential nutritional support required to combat sarcopenia.

— Dr. Robert Marx, Orthopedic Surgeon

In October, the CDC officially recognizedsarcopeniaas a diagnosable condition. With this recognition of the condition, the CDC has stated that it views sarcopenia as unique threat to seniors’ well-being and a major burden on the healthcare system.

Age-related muscle loss, a condition called sarcopenia, negatively impacts strength, stamina, mobility, balance and overall vitality. Left unchecked, sarcopenia can lead to a downward spiral into extreme frailty and a total loss of mobility and independence. The preventable condition impacts up to 50% of adults globally and has serious negative impact on their quality of life. Sarcopenia, which is considered even more serious and prevalent than osteoporosis, costs the healthcare system billions of dollars to treat and manage the related negative health outcomes.

The two leading causes of Sarcopenia are a sedentary lifestyle and a diet lacking in sufficient amino acids and protein.MENDRegenerate, 2016 winner of anti-aging product of the year, is a unique formulation of highly bioavailable amino acids, proteins, prebiotics, enzymes and other nutrients scientifically proven to promote musculoskeletal health. “Today people are living longer than ever and in order to enjoy a quality of life as we age, the latest research indicates that we need to support musculoskeletal health and strength”, says science advisory board member and renown orthopedic surgeon Dr. Robert Marx, “in addition to strengthening program, the macro and micro nutrients in MEND provide essential nutritional support required to combat sarcopenia.”

NutritionFor Healing (NFH), the developer of MEND, is adding medical partners daily who are incorporating MEND into their patient protocols. “As doctors and other healthcare practitioners become more and more aware of sarcopenia and the beneficial role of supplementation with a scientifically supported, safe, efficacious product like MEND, they are partnering with their patients on this insidious condition and the prevention strategies” says science advisory board member and nationally recognized immunologist Dr. Eghrari-Sabet.

NFH is welcoming all healthcare practitioners who want to become a part of the MEND medical partner program. For more information please contact